Seminar with Terry Daly in Slovenia
From August 25th to August 29th 2010, Igor Prasnikar organized a high-class Karate seminar in Kranj (Slovenia). He invited the professional trainer…
Shodan for Dr. Georg Biburger and Richard Brehmer
On June 27th 2010, Dr. Georg Biburger und Richard Brehmer passed their exam for the 1st Dan (black belt). Congratulations to both of them for their…
Seminar with John Carria on May 8th/9th 2010
From May 8th to May 9th 2010, the Dojo in Erlangen organized a second seminar with John Carria (8. Dan) from the USA. To the participants, John Carria…
Dan Exams in Bad Kissingen
A very special Christmas present went to Jürgen Fischer and Richard Fischer from the Dojo in Bad Kissingen as well as Thomas Thiele from the Dojo in…
Autumn Seminar with John Carria (8. Dan) from the US
From December 12th to December 13th 2009, the Dojo Erlangen organized a seminar with John Carria (8. Dan) from the USA. John Carria lived several…
Weekend Seminar in Berlin
From October 3rd to October 4th 2009, Holger Massek (2. Dan) from the Dojo in Berlin organized a seminar with Joachim Röttinger (Shihan 5. Dan) and…
Visit from Hirokuni Yamashiro
Sensei Hirokuni Yamashiro (8. Dan) from Okinawa visited Europe from October 2nd to October 5th 2009. During his travels, he visited Dojos in England,…
5. Dan for Jürgen Steiner
During the 4 day Karate Seminar in Erlangen with Tsutomu Nakahodo (10. Dan) from Okinawa, Hirokuni Yamashiro (8. Dan) from Okinawa und James Thompson…
Pentecost Seminar 2009 in Erlangen
From May 30th to June 2nd 2009, the Dojo Erlangen held a Karate Seminar with high decorated teachers from Okinawa (Japan) and the USA. Tsutomu…